Wouldn’t you think that anyone with half a brain would see the absurd, unjustified, manufactured, and entirely partisan way in which New Jersey Governor Chris Christie is being crucified in the mainstream press? I am not going to bother explaining his ‘Bridge-Gate’ scandal here. If you are unaware of what I am talking about then you’ve had your head up your ___ and me trying to explain now would only cause your head to explode causing you a hemorrhoid operation in the very near future.
Governor Christie is considered to be in the forefront for one of the potential Republican candidates for President in 2016. That was his first mistake, being a Republican. With the exception of Fox News, The Wall Street Journal, and unarguably only a few other National News organizations, Christie has an uphill battle winning over the mainstream press. Unless he screws up, in which case he’ll get 24/7 news coverage whether he wants it or not.
All you have to do is compare the utter audacity of the mainstream press in the way they attack the ONE scandal they call ‘Bridge-Gate’, with the more then half a dozen ‘Obama’ scandals of the past year. Sixteen months since Benghazi and no Special Prosecutor has yet been appointed to investigate. Three years ago Fast And Furious, where the nations Attorney General, Eric Holder, was sanctioned by the U.S. Congress, and still no outcome to an investigation. The NSA, and the Affordable Care Act, just to name two more, and as of yet no forthcoming of truth, investigation, firing of personnel, or anyone looking into putting a ‘case closed’ to these scandals, no one but the opposite political side, the Republicans. But 24 hours after ‘Bridge-Gate’ broke in the news the Justice Department has the N.J. State Attorney’s Office convening a Grand Jury. The liberals will tell you it’s the Republicans making a mountain out of a molehill. The President of the United States had no first-hand knowledge of any of these improprieties. I use the word improprieties to cut the President some slack. The kind of slacking he seems to be willing to accept in his own leadership skills. But then you’d have the Republicans crying, ‘what kind of leader is he if he has no idea what is going on within the top brass of his administration?’ The liberal press would then argue that no one made him aware of what was going on under his nose so therefore he can’t be responsible. But obviously when Governor Christie uses the same defense, that defense doesn’t hold water and we’ll need a multitude of investigations to get to the truth.
No one, including me, has any real idea what the hell is the truth in any of these ‘scandals’. Our free press was supposed to be the check and balance to keep our government on the straight and narrow. The American Press, to a large extent, has its own agenda having very little to do with truth or justice. Just as cowardly as a beaten politician, if their back is pushed hard enough to the wall of truth and there is simply no way out, then they will reluctantly concede to the truth if only to save face. Politics and the liberal agenda trumps the truth in America today. If you are a liberal you should have just as much of a problem with that as a conservative. Are you getting the truth you deserve? How can any one of us decide intelligently who to vote for when we are basing our entire opinion on propaganda? Unless you are lucky enough to know the politician personally, you are deciding by the hearsay of someone else’s agenda. While the left and right stab each other in the back, we are the one’s left to bleed. You can’t believe the half of what you read is an old saying never more true then today.
- Our Free Press is Costing You Plenty! - January 13, 2014
- January 1, 2014, A Day That Will Live in Infamy - January 3, 2014
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